Busy Bee’s Crochet

c-mama’s crochet journal and ramblings

Tag: Jewelry

Crochet Overlay Jewelry

I recently purchased “Crochet Overlay Jewelry” by Melody MacDuffee. I had purchased 2 Trixie Belden books from Amazon for my daughter with some babysitting money I owed her. But the total was less than $25 and they qualified for free shipping on orders $25 or more. So, I went searching for a crochet book.

It came in the mail today. First, let me say that this book is different than other pattern books I have seen. Melody has a nice “Welcome” in the front of the book briefly describing what overlay crochet is. Besides an apparently gifted crocheter, she is also a gifted writer. The next section of the book is the General Instructions. Normally I do not read these. But, normal crochet pattern books do not have 5 pages of instructions. They simply have the patterns, which are the instructions to the project. Melody takes the time to let the reader know that they do not have to strictly stick to the patterns. She gives suggestions such as larger hooks and yarns if crocheting with sewing thread is intimidating or impossible. I think that’s great for new crocheters to know. When I first began crocheting I thought I had to use the colors/yarns/hooks that the pattern called for. LOL Very funny now, but that’s what I thought.

After Melody speaks about the general instructions of overlay crochet, assembly and beading, there is a Stitch Dictionary.

Then come the patterns. They seem to be written very clearly and come with diagrams. The photos are color and simply exquisite.

The only downside to receiving this book is the commitment I have on making 2 1/2 more blankets before June 24. Oh, how I want to try my hand at crochet overlay!!!!! Well, I’ll make time on our trip to work this.


Some friends and I pitched in to purchase a necklace for another friend for her birthday. I contacted Melissa from Glory to God Designs and told her what I had in mind, based on a vision I received while in prayer about this. I had seen hands cupped together with blue inside.

Well, I received the necklace today and it’s beautiful! She did such a great job on it.

The silver bowl is about the size of a quarter. Around the blue opal, it says, “Before the lamb holding golden bowls of incense prayers of the saints singing worthy” – parts of Revelation 5:7-9.

Revelation 5 Necklace

I highly recommend Melissa if you have any jewelry you’d like to have made. She’s professional and a joy to work with.

Glory to God Designs

I had been surfing Myspace and found some really cool sites. One in particular is called Glory to God Designs. Melissa makes beautiful jewelry. Check her out:

Glory to God Designs