Busy Bee’s Crochet

c-mama’s crochet journal and ramblings

Tag: Wii Fit

Fitness update

Wii Fit Board

Wii Fit Board

I have not been to Curves since mid October because we were getting our bathrooms remodeled.

Then, hubby got a change in his pay structure. He was put on salary. He had been working a lot of overtime. Promotion plus salary equals less income coming into the house.

I needed to look for ways to decrease spending and Curves was the first on the list. I think that had we not had a Wii Fit, I would have had a more difficult time with this.

So, today, after a little over 2 months since I’ve last worked out, I got out the Wii Fit and did my body test, 10 minutes of yoga and 10 minutes of aerobics.

Because it had been 87 days(!!!!!) since my last Body Test, I set a more realistic goal of 2 lbs in 2 weeks. Of course I would like to do more, but I know me. So, we shall see. I wanted to be able to accomplish more, however, the aerobics were killing my thighs. I kept hearing, don’t overdo it or you won’t get back on tomorrow.

So, as I say goodbye to Curves, I am so thankful for the time I had with them. I learned that I could lose weight and get into shape as long as I stick to it. I also learned that it feels good to exercise, well, at least the results of exercising are exhilirating even if the process hurts. 🙂

I logged 20 minutes of workout time on the Wii today. Feels good to finally be able to accomplish some fitness finally.

Me fit?

I’ve been using the Wii Fit for a week now. I’ve been spending anywhere between 15 and 30 minutes doing various exercises, mostly focusing on yoga and balance games.

Today I went through the yoga poses and thought I’d work on the strength training. Wow. Do I feel unfit. I could barely do the push ups. I thought I’d do ok because of the Curves training, however, the strength training on the Wii target different muscle groups, for sure. At the end of 1/2 hour, I was ready to be done for the morning. Not saying I won’t get back on this afternoon, but I was needing a rest.

Wii Fit

I had been wanting something to supplement my Curves workout. Since my Curves workout is pretty much only circuit training and I don’t do the aerobic stuff on the recovery boards I wanted to do some aerobic activity on my off days.

I had really been wanting a Wii Fit, but they are very difficult to find.

Hubby and I took the 2 younger kiddos to the mall and to Game Stop for Kenny’s birthday gifts. While in Game Stop, I noticed a sign on the door that said they had one Wii Fit. When we got to the register to pay for Kenny’s new DS and game, I asked how much the Wii Fit was. They told me and said that we best snatch it up now. He said that when they get their shipments in, people are waiting at the door and when they unpack the UPS boxes, they scan and give them to the customers. And these things have been out since May! Amazing. But I had not planned on getting one today, so I didn’t ask. But Scott said to go ahead and pick it up. He was not aware that they were so difficult to get.

So, we picked it up and set ourselves up on it tonight. He was impressed with all that it entailed. I’m excited about it and did a 30 minute workout tonight. It was quite fun. I also was able to do a pay-back to the kids for making fun of me. I made them set up their Miis on it and they saw how difficult it was to keep a center of balance. Silly kids. 😉

So, I’m hoping to reach a goal of 10 lbs lost in 2 months time. We shall see what shall come of it. 🙂